Part 6: Prepare for Trade Day – and Fast Profits

Welcome back!

We’ve accomplished a lot since you joined Wall Street Probe.

And because of that, you’re well on your way to amassing a fast fortune for yourself.

And in one final step, you’ll be getting the first of many opportunities to pocket the kind of cash that will pay off those debts, send your kid to a nice college, buy that dream home, or go on that vacation you’ve always wanted.

Using the same intelligence from my patent-pending invention – The Money Calendar – I’m going to show you how to set up a series of take-it-to-the-bank Payday Appointments of $605… $822… $1,190… $2,830 every single week.

But that’s just the beginning…

You’re also going to be first in line to receive my Million Dollar Masterclasses every month too!

Each live trading demonstration will be no longer than 15 minutes – and by attending class month after month – you’ll be able to identify your own Payday Appointments, allowing you to become a millionaire even faster!

So I need to make sure you’re ready.

That’s why RIGHT NOW, we’re going to run through a checklist of everything you should’ve completed at this point in my Cash Course…

  • Opened your options trading account and gotten clearance. If you haven’t done this yet – click here now. link to How to Open Your Options Account on research reports page
  • Signed Up For My Complimentary Text Alert Service
  • Downloaded Your Broker’s App
  • Completed the actions to take in each part of my Cash Course