The Secret That Can Turn $2,500 into $1 Million or More

Bob Lilly is a 53-year-old supply chain manager from Connecticut.

Like most investors, he’s always been fascinated with the stock market.

He started dabbling with traditional “buy and hold” investing in his 20’s, but never could never quite turn a profit on his own.

Eventually, he started to lose more than he made – discouraging him from investing in the markets at all.

If Bob’s story sounds familiar to you… I’m not surprised.

A lot of folks that I’ve met over the years share the same investing origins as Bob – forcing most of them to pull their money out of the markets and head for the sidelines.

Luckily, Bob wasn’t willing to give up on his financial dreams just yet…

He started using Wall Street Probe system.

And after a “soured” history in the markets, Bob was able to pocket a $2300 profit on his very first trade using my system.

“Love it! This is a fantastic way to start. I’m putting those profits to work now… I just placed my second trade.”

Bob came to Wall Street Probe looking for a way to change his financial future… And, from the beginning, we’ve been there to guide him along the way…

“I love the education this service gives me…I watch your training videos before I go to bed on my iPad!”

After using my secret for a few weeks, Bob is now working towards amassing $100,000 this year to help his children with their student loans – his first goal on his journey to reaching a million dollars.

There’s a reason why I’m sharing Bob’s story with you today…

His story is the perfect example that achieving your financial dreams, becoming a millionaire and amassing wealth you never thought possible, is 100% attainable.

“With this system, I could see me reaching my goals sooner rather than later!”

Truth is, becoming a millionaire isn’t as complicated as people think it is.

And it doesn’t have to be a lofty pie-in-the-sky dream…

It’s an easily attainable goal that everyday investors like you can achieve.

My mission here at Wall Street Probe is to show you that by taking a small, underperforming part of your portfolio- and applying it to my 10-minute system – you can grow your wealth exponentially. Even reach millionaire status in just a few short years.

And once you understand the basics, it really only takes 10 minutes to set up everything you need to make our Wall Street Probe trades work. That’s it – 10 minutes.

That might sound impossible – especially if you’re still learning the ropes when it comes to investing. But that’s exactly what makes my system so groundbreaking.

I’ve streamlined and simplified everything for you so even investors who are just getting their feet wet can utilize Wall Street Probe to beat the markets and catapult themselves into millionaire status.

By stringing together a consistent series of gains in rapid-fire succession, you have the power of compounding with you like a wind at your back.

Here’s an example – using a very, very modest return. Let’s say you string together a series of small 4.0% gains every two weeks.

As Wall Street Probe investors, our goal is to make as much money as possible on each trade. Historically, this system has scored an average 134% gains every 15 days on winning trades. But as this chart illustrates, even a modest investment and a consistent string of small gains will put you on the path toward your first million dollars faster than you would have ever thought possible.

In less than 6 years, you could turn a mere $2,500 commitment into a whopping $1 million.

And that’s being ultra conservative.

Because with my system, we’re not aiming for mere 4% gains – we’re aiming much higher… 50%, 100%… even 200% on a consistent basis.

In fact, using this very system, folks in my VIP Trading service just cashed out 16 triple-digit winners in less than 60 days.

Jan. 5:100%
Jan. 9:200%
Jan. 11:104%
Jan. 25:100% and 113%
Feb. 3:122% win
Feb. 10:112% win
Feb. 13:200%, 200%, 112%, and 107%
Feb. 24:100% and 114%
March 1:200% and 159%
March 2:220%

So, you can see, with a string of winners like these how quickly you could double or triple – even quadruple – your retirement account and get closer to achieving millionaire status

This is how you go from an initial starting stake of $2,500 to a million dollars very quickly. You just reinvest a portion of your earnings back into each new trade,  – and next thing you know you have a million dollars in the bank. That’s what happened to me.

How do I keep getting winners?

That’s the secret that I’ll reveal in just a minute, but suffice it to say that I’ve learned to turn the irrational market psychology that torpedoes so many other traders to my advantage. I’ve learned through years of study and hard work, trial and major errors, what the true nature of the markets really are. I’ve pierced the veil and seen behind the curtain.

Fact is, the markets are not some impersonal and all-powerful force. The markets are driven by human beings pulling the levers. These humans – and I mean each and every one of them including me and you – have hard wired flaws in their brains that cause them to do crazy,

Let me give you a quick example in the form of a thought experiment.

Let’s say I were to flip a coin six times in succession and record the results where H is heads and T is tails. Which of the following three sequences do you think is more likely to occur?

  • H-T-H-T-T-H
  • H-H-H-T-T-T
  • H-H-H-H-H-H

If you answered Result No. 1, you’ve got lots of company: It’s how most people respond to this question. Coin tosses are by definition random. Result No. 1 seems more “random” than the others. Heads and tails alternate (more or less), which is internally consistent with our concept of a 50-50 chance.

A streak of three heads in a row (Result No. 2) seems less likely. Flipping six heads in a row (Result No. 3) seems completely impossible.

Here’s the stunner …

Each of these three scenarios has an equal chance of happening.

By that I mean that each of the three has the same probability – exactly one in 64 – of occurring.

If you don’t believe me, check the math. Each coin has a 50% chance of landing heads or tails. So over six tosses, there are precisely 64 possible combinations of results given by the equation:

1 ÷ ( ½ × ½ × ½ × ½ × ½ × ½ ) = 64.

Go ahead. Break out your calculator and run the numbers yourself.

If this seems absurd, you now know firsthand one of the biases that traders fall prey to every day. The human brain is great at seeing patterns – especially in small samples of data. And we’re terrible at calculating probabilities.

To see how this plays out in the stock market, let’s transform Heads to Wins and Tails to Losses. When faced with a short string of losing trades (e.g. L-L-L-L-L-L), most traders react in a very predictably irrational way.

They assume the “trend” is bound to reverse on the next trade or “regress to the mean” (something called the “gambler’s fallacy”). They start risking more and more on each successive trade recklessly throwing money into the market hoping that this so-called “trend” will reverse itself.

This reaction is a mistake.

A BIG mistake. But it’s also a mistake that we can profit from. Handsomely. Over and over again.

By running a system like mine that neutralizes irrational biases in ourselves and exploits them in others, we play on the winning side. Their biases become our gains.

The system is so simple anyone can use it – regardless of experience or background.

Think of it this way, in the U.S. there are approximately 4,500 stocks traded on any given day…

But, in reality, only a tiny portion of those stocks will make you money.

So my system basically says: forget about what you read on Yahoo Finance, or the Wall Street Journal, or hear about on Fox Business – or CNBC.

None of that matters…You’re just wasting your time and your money. (Exactly what our friend Bob Lilly found out the hard way.)

My system squeezes out the emotion… filters out the noise… jams down the risk… and maximizes the potential for profits by pinpointing which handful of stocks are going to go up in any given week.

This isn’t an algorithmic “black box.” It’s not “robo-trading.”

It works by screening for market anomalies that pop up every single day.

I call these anomalies extremes.

Truth is, financial markets run to “extremes.”

You see, markets are made up of people… meaning they’re also a compilation of emotions… of fear… of greed… of predispositions… of likes and dislikes.

And you can exploit these extremes for hefty profits … often at risk levels that are well below normal.

And because emotions govern markets, they have a tendency to overrun at tops and overrun at bottoms.

And you can exploit these extremes for hefty profits… often at risk levels that are well below normal.

Like I mentioned, market extremes aren’t just once-in-a-while op­portunities that come along when the prices of individual stocks, business sectors, geographic economies, or entire asset classes get out of whack.

You can find these extremes everywhere in the market – all the time.

They show up in broad indices…

They show up in specific market sectors…

They show up in stocks and bonds…

And this reality opens up a plethora of profit opportunities – on the “long” side and the “short” side.

But I’m going to let you in on a little secret… one that will short-circuit any fears you have – and ease your journey to Wall Street Probe status.

And here’s the secret.

There are really only three market extremes we have to find.

And each extreme has a unique “how often” and “how much” profile.

That means, with the full extent of Wall Street Probe system, you’ll know “how often” each extreme shows up in the financial markets. And “how much” you can expect to make from a trade properly executed against each extreme.

And it only takes 10 minutes to execute.

Let’s look at them together…

Market Extreme No. 1: Extreme Turnarounds (Pop & Drops)

Pop and Drops: Occur Most Frequently Fast-Paced Profits Happen in a Short Time Frame

Pop and Drops are the most common type of extreme you will see in the market.

These types of extremes appear when a stock is locked in a “sideways” trading range but the security beneath it is experiencing an extreme low or an extreme high.

Finding stocks trapped in these narrow ranges can lead to two kinds of profits – Pops (when the stock snaps back from an extreme low and shoots higher) or Drops (when the stock experiences a pullback from an extreme high and heads lower).

On the following page is an example of a “Pop and Drop” extreme that my VIP trading service subscribers profited from…

You can see the “hit and run” nature of these types of short-term trade. They are fast, fun and profitable.

Market Extreme No. 2: Extreme Continuations

Extreme Continuations Occur with moderate frequency. Offer moderate-to-large profit potential. Happen in an intermediate-term time frame.

This next type of extreme occurs in two flavors – Strong Stock Continuation and Weak Stock Continuation which mirror each other.

The difference being, in the Strong Stock scenario, a security has been trending up – but has then pulled back to a mid-term extreme on minor news (or no news at all). This positions the stock to rocket higher.

In contrast, the Weak Stock scenario is when a stock that is in a downtrend is pushed up to a mid-term extreme on minor news (or no news at all). This positions the stock to drop like a stone.

On the following page is an extreme continuation looks like on a chart…

These types of extremes tend to appear more moderately but still offers huge profit potential.

Market Extreme No. 3: Extreme Reversals

Extreme Reversals Occur less frequently. Offer the biggest profit potential. Happen in a longer time frame.

Our final extreme is Reversals.

These are the rarest type of extremes you’ll see but, more often than not, packs the biggest punch when it comes to profits.

Now, like our previous extremes, Reversals comes in two flavors – Oversold (Extreme Lows) and Overbought (Extreme Highs).

You can see both on this chart.

Let’s start with Oversold…

Extreme Oversold Reversals are when the stock or market has plunged, pushing the price level down well beyond what is reasonable – meaning it’s poised for a spring back to the upside.

With these kinds of extreme reversals, we’re looking at something that’s plummeted to an extreme, so much so that the price is poised for a snapback to the upside.

Again, thanks to the general bias to the upside, stocks, sectors, and indexes tend to bounce back sharply after a major drop.

In fact, 18 of the 20 largest single-day up moves in the Standard and Poor’s 500 were the result of Extremely Oversold snapbacks during massive bear moves.

Now let’s look at Overbought.

The extremes of this flavor that are the easiest to identify and occur when the price of the stock or financial asset has gone straight up (up too far and too fast) – meaning it’s poised for a pullback or snapback.

Before we move on, Extremely Overbought Reversals have one characteristic that must be understood. Because investors have an optimistic bias (meaning prices have the same predisposition), individual stocks, sectors, and even entire markets can stay overbought for some time.

Now, just being able to find these extremes in the market already puts you leagues ahead of the rest of Wall Street, but recognizing the extreme when you see it isn’t enough to help you reach millionaire status.

You need to put it all together.

And that’s where Wall Street Probe method comes into play.

I’ve centered Wall Street Probe around a simple 3 step fast track plan designed specifically to help you pinpoint these extremes and have a chance to play them for extraordinary gains..

  • Find the Extreme
  • Frame the Trade
  • Book the Profits

You’ve already been introduced to step 1 – Find the Extreme.

Finding the target is all about uncovering an extreme in a stock that is ripe for the picking. Now, remember, these extremes could be Pop & Drops… Continuations… or Reversals. . Here at Wall Street Probe, each week I will guide you through how to identify when a particular opportunity is out of whack – has achieved an extreme – and the precise moment when the odds of initiating a profitable trade are overwhelmingly in your favor.

But it doesn’t stop there.

Once we’ve narrowed in on our target, we maximize our probability of success by “Framing the Trade.”

Truth is, knowing which stock to play is only half of the battle. You also have to know exactly when to get into the trade – and how to set it up to minimize risk.

My Wall Street Probe system takes the guessing game out of the equation.

Through a combination of contingency exits (stop-loss orders), and proper position sizing, we are able to maximize our profit opportunity while limiting downside risk for each trade.

That means, once all factors are defined and locked down, you’ll be ready to put on the trade decisively and with confidence.

After that, take a deep breath and relax.

You’ve done good work getting to this point.

You’re now in the trade, properly framed.

And you got there by following Wall Street Probe system.

You’ve found an extremely oversold trading opportunity, planned your contingency exit, sized the position, and put on the trade.

You’re now poised to realize optimum edge on a stock that has a high probability of snapping back for a big gain.

But you’re also protected by stops that were put in place to hold any unexpected losses to an acceptable level.

Like the long distance runner heading into the final turn, the bulk of the race is successfully behind you.

To collect your prize, however, you still need to make it across the finish line.

That brings us to our final step of our 3-part system: – Book the Profits.

My system helps you discover exactly when to take your profits, escape the scene, and move on to your next trade.

You see, even though we now have a handful of extreme stocks – specifically, those we believe have the highest probability for a snapback – we’re not just going to race ahead and start putting on trades.

As is true of every step in this process, we first want to plan our next move.

Specifically, we need a predetermined exit plan.

Our goal of course is to exit with a big win.  And my third step Book the Profits will show you how to capture the biggest gains possible.

However, no trader is perfect every time. There are going to be trades that don’t go our way.

In those cases, we should do everything we can to limit our losses.  This third step covers that too.

In virtually any potentially high-risk activity you can think of, participants don’t move until they have their exit plan in place.

An escape route.

A Plan B.

A backup plan.

Call it whatever you wish, but here’s the reality: if you know you’re involved in a risky situation, it pays to take extra precautions.

As you can see, it’s as simple as 1-2-3.

Now that you’ve seen the 3- steps in our Wall Street Probe system, let’s look at a couple of examples from beginning to end…

This was what I call a classic “rubber band” play.

It’s a relatively common occurrence where a stock gets pulled and stretched way off of a reasonable price level by trader’s herd mentality.

Experience has taught me that stocks in this condition snap back for big profits over and over again.

For example, look at this chart for 3D Systems Corp. (NYSE: DDD)

You can see the Extreme Pullback occurring on the far right, around Sept 1.  I had successfully Found the Extreme

Next, using a few simple formulas I’ve developed I “Framed the Trade” to maximize my probability of success.

In this case, my system indicated a stop-loss order be placed at $13.25 on my 250-share long position at $14.21.

At this point, I had virtually unlimited upside potential with concrete downside protection to limit my loss (should something go unexpectedly whacky).

At that point, less than 10-minutes after my initial scan, I was in the market with a properly framed Extreme trading opportunity. Trusting my system completely, I could walk away, live my life and forget about stocks for the rest of the day.

Over the next few days and weeks, the stock rebounded exactly as expected.

On September 30th, my system generated a definitive Sell signal so I “Booked my Profit.”

And what a profit it was. I ended up grossing $935.00 on a $3,500 investment. That’s more than a 26% return in four weeks – or an annualized gain of 1682.5%.

These opportunities happen all the time, in every market, in every week and month of the year.

Here is another rubber band play from January.

On Jan. 18, I successfully found the extreme… PNC Financial Services Group (NYSE: PNC), which was in the midst of a broad sector pullback.

Once I identified the target, my system then “Framed the Trade” by putting in a stop-loss order at $109.79 on our long position at $115.57.

Like our last example, I had virtually unlimited upside potential with concrete downside protection to limit my loss.

At that point, less than 10-minutes after my initial scan, I was in the market with a properly framed Extreme trading opportunity.

Over the next few days and weeks, the stock rebounded exactly as expected.

On January 25th, my system generated a definitive Sell signal so I “Booked my Profit.”

The truth is, what I’m showing you here in this report, is just scraping the surface.

Every week at Wall Street Probe, we will go into far more details on how to find extremes and make these life-changing trades.

In my notes to you each week, I will personally guide you through the different facets of this Wall Street Probe system. I’ll show you how to establish goals and stick to them. I’ll demonstrate how to adapt my strategy to your circumstances. I’ll guide you through the three moving parts of my system – so you’ll get to see, up close and personal, how simple it really is.

I’ll teach you how to Find the Extreme – identify when a particular opportunity is out of whack – has achieved an extreme – and the precise moment when the odds of initiating a profitable trade are overwhelmingly in your favor.

I’ll show you how to “Frame Trades” and “Book Profits.”

My system is so simple that you’ll learn how to execute these steps, and execute them quickly.

And there will be endless opportunities to capitalize on them.

In fact, I just put the final touches on my first recommendation. It’s a big one.

I found an extreme in the market that could make you a lot of money – and fast.

It will be released this week.  I’m going to send it directly to your inbox.

So don’t forget to check for Wall Street Probe tonight and tomorrow